Universe is my back yard:

Well, Sylvia, lol, if existance is part of a dream of some kind, doesn't it mean that existence and the dream are the same thing?

Unity is Two, and the Two are One.

It always takes two discrete self-consistent points of view to understand anything. In Synergetics, you can see the geometry as vectors (lines), vertex (where the lines cross), and facets (planes), or you can see it as trajectories, intersections, and defined spaces. Both are consistent and describe the same thing, but the dynamics of each is different, yet they are both right and necessary for understanding the geometry. Both are required to really understand the whole.

If Universe is thought, though, it's not the thought that streams from the ego, because if it was, there would be no consistency at all between what people see and do, and likely they could not even communicate. Inside out is a subset of outside in. If you take any system, like a glass sphere, for instance, and shine light into it, the light will focus into the center and then come out the other side, the same yet inverted, different, modified by the glass. All systems have energy flowing in and back out, and the energy coming out is modified by the system. Even atoms do this, as well as galaxies, and every system absorbs energy from other systems and emits energy with it's own flavor. (This is why spectrography works, showing us light divided into a rainbow of color components which tell us what elements are most and least abundant in even a far off galaxy.)

And systems are always made up of systems, and are part of larger systems. We are systems which are made up of cellular systems and we are part of the global ecosystem, and one of our characteristic outflows is mind. The Ego is part of our brain, but interacts with our mind, is powered by it, and thoughts are what the ego emits after absorbing our awareness. It's why we can put our awareness out into Universe, or into our ego, separate directions really, inward or outward. The purpose of meditation is to put our awareness outward so completely that our ego fades from lack of our awareness, and perhaps reboots, and if that happens, we know what is outside and what is inside. Otherwise, we tend to think the inside is all that exists, because we put most of our energy into and through our ego.

(Inward meditation is for being aware of what is in the ego and clearing out the chaff from the grain. My sister practices this, and has just discovered outward mediation.)

So it is reasonable to say that atoms are just focused energy, (E=MC^), and therefore everything is energy either flowing or focused, and our awareness is also energy, which means we are completely One with everything else. So Energy is Mind, and Mind is energy, and the whole Universe is One Mind, which includes your Mind and my Mind.

We are Universe being aware of itself.

So you are completely right, of course. But the other way of looking at it is also completely right. Both are necessary for understanding it conceptually. Both conceptual systems are moot if one experiences Universe without an ego. But of course, that can't be described in words, since words inherently divide.

My experience, anyway.

Love ya,